Location: New Hampshire

"Today is the first day of the rest of your life." This Marmee lives for her four wonderful grown children and their growing families. Nana now includes 7 grandsons and 5 grandaughters to her enjoyment in life. There will be 1 more in January.

Monday, September 04, 2006


Another long Labor Day Weekend in the books. Nothing exciting happening this year. Remembering years past when our family hosted the Lake family barbecue and swim fest. Usually about 30 Lake family members showed at Sunnybrook to enjoy Dad's burned weiners, yummy burgers, steak, and many assorted salads and a large variety of beverages. The canoe came out and had another few more trips around the pond. The badminton net somehow miraculously stayed up and croquet balls were recovered many times after being hit over the front knoll into the blackberry bushes. Some even enjoyed a September swim. Everyone left tired but having had a good time. Some were sporting sunburns and mosquito bites but no one seemed to really mind. We celebrated sweet Sarah's birthday and had a wonderful time.

Grammy Lee was able to be at many of these summer ending events. Somehow they were never the same for me without my sweet Grammy. She was not just "My Grammy" but my very best and dearest friend in the world. My boss watches me at work apologize to Gram each time I have a bad thought or say something that I think inappropriate and Gram would never have said. She even apologizes to her now as well. I miss her everyday of my life and always will. My best friends now are my children. I am so grateful that all my children grew up knowing their very special Grammy Lee and will have her memory to comfort them and share with their children.


Blogger Rebecca said...

Grammy Lee is a major influence in my life, too. Dallas never had the pleasure of spending any time with her, but he feels like he knows her, too! She's a special Grammy, always will be. I remember when great Grampa Eames and Gramma Barbara came to the Labor Day parties, too. Laura was always a swimmer, and we were marathon badminton'ers. Those were the days.

7:14 PM  

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